Composition and certification/verification of notary deeds for real estate transactions: sales; donations; exchange of property; mortgage; transaction of property for financial support; transaction of property in fulfillment of obligations; establishing rights of construction, use, or passing through over property owned by other proprietor.
Formulation and signing of notary deeds for assertainment of property rights, based on documents, proofing the right of possession.
Hold of property proofing procedures when documents missing and possession proven, for issuing ownership documents.
Storing of testaments and other documents.
Composition of notary testaments.
Announcement of personal testaments and issue of certified copies.
Accomplishment of testament revoke acts.
Formulation and presentation of notarial invitations/requests.
Composition of attestation protocols for the appearance or non appearance of individuals before the notary, certification of their statements, execution of specific activities, verification of the contents of web-pages.
Certification of authentic copies of documents.
Verification of signatures, date or content of powers of attorney, declarations, receipts:
- guarantees
- bills of exchange
- mortgage establishment/cancellation requests
- contracts: for selling/purchasing vehicles, property partition, rent, loan, company establishment, mandate, etc.
- declarations for abandonment of rights
- declarations for changing of matrimonial regimes
- matrimonial regime contracts – before and during the marriage
- minutes of general meetings of commercial companies
Formulation of powers of attorney, declarations, receipts, guarantees, bills of exchange, mortgage establishment/cancellation requests and contracts: for selling/purchasing vehicles, property partition, rent, loan, company establishment, mandate, declarations for abandonment of rights, declarations for changing of matrimonial regimes, matrimonial regime contracts – before and during the marriage, etc.
Composition and verification of documents concerning notary proceedings